2 Quick Things

Greetings, my friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with food and good times with those you love. I was told that the calories don’t count on holidays, so we’ll just go with that and not worry about all the food we ate!

Things have been busy so on this week’s newsletter I just wanted to share a couple of quick things with you.

First, I mentioned that I was a guest on another podcast a few weeks ago. It’s been released and I think you’ll really enjoy it. It’s the RunTriMonk podcast with Lauren Callahan. We had a great time talking about mindset and gratitude. Lauren shares about making a conscious change in her mindset from, “How will I get all of this done?” to “I have the time to do this, I just need to figure it out.” (my paraphrase) Good stuff!

Here’s the episode description and link below:

I'm definitely a week late, but this is the best post-Thanksgiving podcast episode ever. David Theriot, host of the Run the Riot podcast, ultrarunning coach extraordinaire, and recent redemption completer of the Moab 240 shares one of the secrets of his running success: GRATITUDE. And not just touchy-feely-thankful kind of feeling--David gives the nitty gritty on making game-changing gratitude a practical part of his long runs and events. In this episode, David shares all about faith, family, and coaching, and his love of geeking out on all things running. Click here to listen

Second, check out the latest Run the Riot Podcast. I talked with an athlete I coach, Chad Hetrick about his phenomenal performance at this year’s Arkansas Traveller 100. Chad is a husband, father, and works full time, but puts the work in to do his best at Ultrarunning. He placed second at Traveller with a smoking time of 16:52:50. We have a great conversation about training, life, and how the race unfolded. You can listen here.

Lots of ultrarunning nuggets in these podcasts!

That’s all for this week! We’ll get back to our regularly scheduled programming next week!

On the journey,



P.S. Mine Your Ultra Potential!

If you're considering running your first or furthest ultra or looking to take your running to the next level, I'd love to chat with you about it! Click here to learn more!

Run the Riot

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