
Run the Riot

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How a Strong Support Crew Can Make or Break Your Ultra Race

Greetings Fellow Distance Junkies! When it comes to ultra-endurance races, having a solid support crew can be as crucial as your training plan. Whether you're tackling a 50-mile race or pushing the limits with a 200-miler like the Summit 200, a dedicated crew can be the difference between reaching the finish line or calling it quits. I've been fortunate to have amazing crews in many of my races when I run with a crew. Jennifer and my parents have been amazing in keeping me moving and sane in...

A runner experiencing knee pain, wearing athletic gear, clutching their knee with a pained expression on their face. The background shows a trail with natural surroundings like trees, bushes, and uneven terrain. The runner is mid-stride on the trail, emph

As runners, we've all faced our fair share of challenges, both physical and mental. One of the most common obstacles to putting in all the miles we want to run? Knee pain. It can be frustrating, discouraging, and even debilitating. If you listen to the podcast, you know I recently had my knee scoped about 7 weeks ago. I’m getting my mileage back up for High Lonesome 100 in July! It’s coming quickly! In our recent conversation on the podcast, John Calabrese shared his experiences as an...

An Ultra Running Parent’s Anecdotal Guide to Sleep… or Lack of. By Coach Chad Hetrick I’m not a doctor. This is not medical or sleep advice. Talk to a doctor if you can’t sleep. It could be something serious…. Sunday 8:22 PM – Put 2 year old daughter to bed. Sunday 8:30 PM – 6 year old son goes to bed. Sunday 9:00 PMish – in bed and asleep to get ready for a big week of running and work. Sunday 11:42 PM – 2 year old wakes up screaming and I attempt to console her. Sunday 11:55 PM – All...

"Roll with the punches." As a former wrestler and Jiujitsu competitor, I've always been drawn to the tactical finesse of combat sports. It's fascinating how two opponents can strategically play to their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses, much like a chess match within the confines of a ring. One of the defensive techniques in boxing is to “roll with the punches,” where fighters pivot and move to reduce the impact of incoming hits. It’s about quick thinking and quick moving, absorbing...

Some days are rough! Sunday morning, I had a rough run. My legs were heavy, my knee hurt, and I was just plain tired! Halfway through the slog, I remembered a quote, "There are no shortcuts to endurance. You have to train yourself to make peace with the long route...every day...and do it...and love where it is taking you." I’m not sure where this quote came from, but when I heard it, I had to write it down. This powerful statement isn't just about running; it's a testament to the journey...

Don't Skip Leg Day! Now, I can almost hear some of you thinking, "Come on, David! Every day I hit the pavement, it's leg day!" And hey, I get it – but hear me out. I'm talking about those crucial lower-body strength workouts that can take your running game to the next level! If you're like me, prepping for mountain races while stuck on flat roads presents a challenge. That's where the leg work comes in! Currently, I'm gearing up for the High Lonesome 100 in Colorado, I've got altitude and...

Conquering the Mind: Train Your Brain Ultrarunning isn't just a physical test; it's a mental odyssey. While your body carries you mile after mile, it's your mind that pushes you through doubts, fatigue, and the whispers of "give up." So, if you're gearing up for an ultra, consider this your guide to building mental fortitude, the secret weapon in your arsenal. Facing the Mental Monsters: Ultras bring unique mental challenges. You can encounter self-doubt, exhaustion-induced hallucinations,...

Hey there! Guess what time it is? Yep, it's "Do the Speed Work" o'clock! So, I'm diving into my 20-week build for the summer races, and after the thrilling "lottery" season (I was 1 for 2), it feels amazing to slap some races on the calendar and get down to some serious training. Now, my training looks like what I give the runners I coach; it starts with a fitness-building block, and you know what that means... INTERVALS! I totally get it – when intervals show up on the schedule, there's this...

Hey there, my friends! I hope you are doing well and enjoying life and running! I was thinking this weekend about the coping mechanisms we use when things get tough during a race. One I’ve used often when the darkness overtakes me is a mantra. A mantra is “a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation” or “a statement or slogan repeated frequently.” During one of my races where I was struggling deep into the race, a mantra I heard came to mind. Now, don’t make fun of me because...

Hey there, my friends! Since Moab, I’ve been taking some significant time to let my body and mind recover. I’ve been active, but my running has been scaled back. As ultrarunners, we often find ourselves caught up in the thrill of racing, pushing our physical and mental limits in pursuit of new challenges. However, the importance of taking an off-season should not be underestimated. In this week’s newsletter, we'll explore the benefits of embracing a well-deserved break from racing and...