Evidently, I talk to myself

Hey there, my friends!

I hope you are doing well and enjoying life and running!

I was thinking this weekend about the coping mechanisms we use when things get tough during a race. One I’ve used often when the darkness overtakes me is a mantra. A mantra is “a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation” or “a statement or slogan repeated frequently.”

During one of my races where I was struggling deep into the race, a mantra I heard came to mind. Now, don’t make fun of me because it’s kind of cheesy, but at the time, it’s exactly what I needed, because it worked! If you were hiding behind a tree near the trail, you would have heard me saying, “As the miles get longer, I get stronger!” I still don’t know where I heard it, but it got me pumped up! I started believing it and pushing through that rough patch.

A few others I’ve said to myself:

“This is who I am. This is what I do.” - Scott Jurek
“You GET to do this!” (to myself)
“I was made to do this!”

I encourage you to have something in your pocket (or pack) during a race....a truth to tell yourself that reminds you of why you're doing what you're doing and that you're tough enough to finish what you started.

Do you have a mantra for running? I would love to hear it! Share it with me and I can include it in the next newsletter!

I was also thinking - These work great in running when things get tough, but what about in life? What do you say to yourself when life gets tough?

A few that come to my mind:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“I was made to do this!”
(same as in running!)
“Know your path and walk your path!”
“Remember why you’re here!”

I’m curious. What do you tell yourself when life gets you down? What reminders get you up off the ground and back in the race of life?

That’s all for now!

On the journey,


P.S. Mine Your Ultra Potential!

If you're considering running your first or furthest ultra or looking to take your running to the next level, I'd love to chat with you about it! Click here to learn more!

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